Verify your Business on Facebook

How to verify your Business on Facebook

To start the business verification process:

Go to Security Center in Business Manager.
  1. Click Start Verification.
  2. Enter your business details and click Next. The business information you provide during the business verification process will become publicly visible if your Page has a large US audience or runs ads about social issues, elections or politics in the US.
  3. Select the correct business from the list, or select None of these match if you don't see your business on the list.
  4. Confirm your business details.
  5. Choose to get a verification code on your business phone number via a text message or phone, or via email.
  6. Note that the phone number option may not be available in all countries.
  7. If you don't get the verification code, you can request to receive another code. If you're still having problems getting your verification code, learn more about how to troubleshoot phone call issues.
  8. (Optional) If your domain is already verified, you can click Verify us... at step 5. If not, complete the domain verification process. Then return to the Security Center and click Continue. Learn when to use domain verification to verify your business.
  9. Enter your verification code (not applicable if you use domain verification).
  10. Click Submit.

If your Facebook verification button is greyed out

Don't worry, we have seen this happen with a couple of our customers and have been able to help every one. There are three solutions that have worked.

Solution 1:

1. Navigate to your Facebook Manager Page

2. Check if two factor verification is set to Admin Users only

2. Click on the "Business Info" on the left hand side and make sure all fields are filled out

Solution 2

Follow the directions below or follow the walk through video  here.

Solution 3

If the previous attempt does not work, you can follow the video here. You will be asked to create a gaming app which triggers the verification. You can easily delete the app after creation,