Promoting your business on WhatsApp is an art - have you mastered it?

Connectly Staff

The WhatsApp Business Platform is an incredibly effective tool for building engaging, authentic marketing campaigns on the WhatsApp API - something only a WhatsApp Business Solutions Provider like Connectlycan provide access to - and the better you structure your campaigns, the better they will perform.  In fact, the businesses we work with see 10x higher click through rates than SMS campaigns, and 30% higher click through rates than traditional WhatsApp messages.  But how do you know your campaign is set up to achieve these metrics?

Unlike one-way push campaigns, WhatsApp campaigns provide two-way 1:1 message experiences, so you can ask your customers questions in-thread.

Here are our top 5 musts when it comes to building your promotional WhatsApp flow:

One bonus tip? Make sure you have access to no-code, simple tools that make it easy for you to run WhatsApp campaigns on your own. 

Book a demo with Connectly today to learn more